Wisdom Tooth Removal in Gurgaon

A wisdom tooth removal operation generally involves surgical extraction of one or several third molars, which are called wisdom teeth. Teeth of these kinds usually come out when a person is between the ages of 17 and 25. While some people do not have any complaints associated with the eruption of their wisdom teeth, some require teeth removal due to problems arising due to the presence of these teeth. Knowing the causes of wisdom teeth treatment, extraction of wisdom teeth, and recovery from the extraction will help relieve anxiety. Wisdom tooth removal in Gurgaon.
Why is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?
- Impaction: Wisdom molars tend to be retained or relocated. Erupted wisdom molars tend to grow at different angles, causing pain and dental havoc to other surrounding teeth.
- Crowding: Wisdom teeth appear last, and the mouth has already developed, and teeth have arranged themselves in jaws, which may result in wisdom teeth pushing for more teeth. This is a big concern for people who have had orthodontic treatment.
- Infection: Wisdom teeth that are only partly cut through can lead to pockets where bacteria can thrive, causing deep inflammatory gum diseases like pericoronitis. This can lead to swelling, pain, and trismus or restricted mouth opening.
- Cysts and Tumors: Impacted wisdom teeth sometimes develop cysts or tumors that may harm the jawbone and the neighboring teeth.
- Tooth Decay and Gum Disease: Wisdom teeth are located in the far back of the mouth, making it difficult to reach them for cleaning. This puts them at a high risk for cavities and gum disease.
The Wisdom Tooth Removal Procedure
- Consultation and Examination: It all starts with the dental examination, which may involve the use of X-rays to determine the wisdom teeth’ position and, more importantly, their relation to the nerves and other structures.
- Preparation: On the day of the procedure, the oral surgeon or dentist will explain how the procedure will be carried out. Local anesthesia is usually given to the area surrounding the tooth, as it requires numbing. If multiple teeth are to be pulled out or if the extraction is expected to be quite straightforward, sedation may be needed, as well as, in some cases, a general anesthetic.
- Extraction: The dentist cuts through the gum tissue to gain access to the teeth and bone beneath. Sometimes, the tooth may be removed in parts to make its extraction less difficult. Finally, the tooth is delicately pulled out.
- Cleaning and Stitches: Following the procedure, the dentist will clean the site and remove foreign debris. Stitches may be made to the incision, or they may dissolve naturally as well.
- Post-Extraction Care: There is no bleeding over the area. Clots can be formed by applying gauze to the area of concern. You will be given post-operative care instructions.
Recovery and Aftercare
- Managing Pain and Swelling: Pain and swelling are part and parcel after the wisdom tooth is removed. Such discomfort may be managed with ice packs, over-the-counter drugs, and prescribed medications.
- Diet: For the first two to three days, eat only softer foods.
- Oral Hygiene: Oral hygiene can be maintained by brushing teeth gently without touching the site of extraction. A spoonful of salt with warm water is a good mouth rinse for infection.
- Activity Level: Wait 24 hours and do not carry out strenuous activities for several days so as not to dislodge the blood clot and, hence, not cause a dry socket, which is very painful.
- Follow-Up: During the healing process, make sure to keep any subsequent appointments that have been made for you.