How Successful is Invisalign in India?

Invisalign is a big brand with Align technology, Align is offering a comprehensive range of products including.
Invisalign -Comprehensive (to treat complex cases)
Invisalign – Moderate (to treat moderate cases)
Invisalign – Lite (to treat mild to moderate cases)

Invisalign first ( to treat kids and an age range of 6-10 years for early intervention and saving from complexity) Vivera retainers for post-retention Invisalign has trained providers in various parts of the country.

There are various highly skilled or experienced Invisalign providers in the country which are given a status of Diamond. Platinum elite or platinum providers. Their providers are given the status on the basis of number of Invisalign patients they treat in a year.

The providers can be searched on going to Invisalign website.

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